Colic in Infants: Symptoms and Remedies

When a healthy baby cries for apparently no reason or fuss, it is known as colic. In simpler terms, if the baby cries for more than three hours in a day or at least three days in a week or even over three weeks, they are categorized as colic infants. At times, a parent struggles to find ways to relieve the baby's crying; therefore, dealing with colic can be very stressful for people new to the parenting lifestyle.

What are the Symptoms?

Although it is normal for babies to cry when it comes to colic situations, they tend to cry more than the rest of the babies. In colic, babies are healthy, yet they cry enough for the parents to handle. 

The following are some of the symptoms of colic infants:

  • When the baby cries for no reason, such as when they don't need any kind of diaper change or are not feeling hungry

  • When the baby clench their fists when they are crying or even curl up their legs

  • When the baby cries at such a level, that implies that they are in pain

  • When the baby cries so hard that their face turns bright red

What Can Cause Colic?

A solid reason as to why colic happens has not been discovered yet. However, the doctors have listed the following potential causes that can justify colic:

  • Either overfeeding or underfeeding

  • Discomfort from gas

  • Half-developed digestive system

  • Emotional reaction to frustration, excitement, or fear

What are the Remedies for Colic?

At most times, colic is usually caused when the baby gets triggered by something. To tame this problem, certain colic infant home remedies can help you, which are mentioned below and discussed thoroughly:

Feeding the Baby

In case you are opting for breastfeeding, follow the below-mentioned approach:

  • As a parent, you should avoid chocolate and caffeine

  • Stay away from nuts as well as dairy products

  • Consult a doctor regarding the medicines you are taking and discuss the potential problems the medicines may cause

In case you are opting for feeding formula to your baby, follow the below-mentioned approach:

  • Since the baby can be sensitive to some of the proteins, try switching to a different brand

  • Feed your baby with comparatively smaller meals

  • Make sure not to feed the baby too much or too quickly

  • Warm the formula concerning the body temperature

  • Ensure that your baby is fed in the upright position

Holding the Baby

Try switching the way of holding a baby and refer to the below-mentioned approaches:

  • The baby might have gas, so try holding it in an upright position

  • Massage the baby's back by holding the baby across either the arm or lap

  • Use an infant swing to rock the baby, or try rocking them in the arms

Making Sure that the Baby is in Comfort

The following approaches will help in making the baby comfortable:

  • Giving skin-to-skin contact

  • Wrap the baby in a blanket

  • Give a warm bath to the baby, or try putting a warm towel on the stomach

  • As per the doctor's direction, massage the baby

  • Put the baby in the stroller and go for a walk with the baby

  • Try singing to the baby

Over to You!

According to numerous cases, it is seen that colic usually begins after a few weeks since the baby is born, and it gets worse within 4 to 6 weeks of age. However, the situation gets normal once the baby is three to four months old. As a parent, you can be at ease that it's not hard to live with colic since it won't cause any kind of long-term or short-term problems for the baby.

If the baby cries too much, then it may be hard to take care of them, but if the situation gets worse, then it is recommended to seek personal or professional help, whatever suits the situation.


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